Update an Issue

Updates an individual issue's attributes. Only the attributes submitted are modified.

Path Parameters

issue_id (string)

The ID of the group to retrieve.

Body Parameters

status (string)

The new status for the issues. Valid values are "resolved", "resolvedInNextRelease", "unresolved", and "ignored".

assignedTo (string)

The actor id (or username) of the user or team that should be assigned to this issue.

hasSeen (boolean)

In case this API call is invoked with a user context this allows changing of the flag that indicates if the user has seen the event.

isBookmarked (boolean)

In case this API call is invoked with a user context this allows changing of the bookmark flag.

isPublic (boolean)

Sets the issue to public or private.


<auth_token> requires the following scopes:
  • event:write
PUT /api/0/issues/{issue_id}/
curl https://sentry.io/api/0/issues/{issue_id}/ \
 -H 'Authorization: Bearer <auth_token>' \
 -X PUT \
 -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
 -d '{"status":"unresolved"}'
  "annotations": [],
  "assignedTo": null,
  "count": "1",
  "culprit": "raven.scripts.runner in main",
  "firstSeen": "2018-11-06T21:19:55Z",
  "hasSeen": false,
  "id": "1",
  "isBookmarked": false,
  "isPublic": false,
  "isSubscribed": true,
  "lastSeen": "2018-11-06T21:19:55Z",
  "level": "error",
  "logger": null,
  "metadata": {
    "title": "This is an example Python exception"
  "numComments": 0,
  "permalink": "https://sentry.io/the-interstellar-jurisdiction/pump-station/issues/1/",
  "project": {
    "id": "2",
    "name": "Pump Station",
    "slug": "pump-station"
  "shareId": null,
  "shortId": "PUMP-STATION-1",
  "status": "unresolved",
  "statusDetails": {},
  "subscriptionDetails": null,
  "title": "This is an example Python exception",
  "type": "default",
  "userCount": 0