Advanced Usage

Capturing uncaught exceptions on macOS

By default macOS application do not crash whenever an uncaught exception occurs. There are some additional steps you have to take to make this work with Sentry. You have to open the applications Info.plist file and look for Principal class. The content of it which should be NSApplication should be replaced with SentryCrashExceptionApplication.

Sending Events

Sending a basic event can be done with send.

let event = Event(level: .debug)
event.message = "Test Message"
Client.shared?.send(event: event) { (error) in
    // Optional callback after event has been sent

If more detailed information is required, Event has many more properties to be filled.

let event = Event(level: .debug)
event.message = "Test Message"
event.environment = "staging"
event.extra = ["ios": true]
Client.shared?.send(event: event)

Client Information

A user, tags, and extra information can be stored on a Client. This information will be sent with every event. They can be used like...

let user = User(userId: "1234") = ""
user.extra = ["is_admin": true]

Client.shared?.user = user
Client.shared?.tags = ["iphone": "true"]
Client.shared?.extra = [
    "my_key": 1,
    "some_other_value": "foo bar"
Client.shared?.releaseName = "release"
Client.shared?.dist = "dist"
Client.shared?.environment = "production"

All of the above (user, tags, extra, releaseName, dist and environment) can be set at anytime. Call Client.shared?.clearContext() to clear all set variables.

Disabling the Client

You can disable the client to prevent events from being sent. The events will still be stored to disk. This functionality is helpful in case you want to ask the user for consent if they want to send the crash reports for example.

Client.shared?.enabled = false

Init client with options

You can also init the client with options:

Client.shared = try Client(options: [
    "dsn": "",
    "enabled": false, // In Objective-C this is @YES/@NO
    "release": "release",
    "dist": "dist",
    "environment": "production",

This way of initialization is helpful if you want to prevent the client from sending stored events.

User Feedback

The User Feedback feature has been removed as of version 3.0.0. But if you want to show you own Controller or handle stuff after a crash you can use our Change event before sending it callback. We are now also sending a notification whenever an event has been sent. The name of the notification is Sentry/eventSentSuccessfully and it contains the serialized event as userInfo. Additionally the Client has a new property Client.shared?.lastEvent which always contains the most recent event.

Breadcrumbs are used as a way to trace how an error occurred. They will queue up in aClient and will be sent with every event.

Client.shared?.breadcrumbs.add(Breadcrumb(level: .info, category: "test"))

The client will queue up a maximum of 50 breadcrumbs by default. To change the maximum amount of breadcrumbs call:

Client.shared?.breadcrumbs.maxBreadcrumbs = 100

With version 1.1.0 we added another iOS only feature which tracks breadcrumbs automatically by calling:


If called this will track every action sent from a Storyboard and every viewDidAppear from an UIViewController. We use method swizzling for this feature, so in case your app also overwrites one of these methods be sure to check out our implementation in our repo. Additionally we also add a breadcrumb in case we receive a Memory Pressure Notification from the Application.

Memory Pressure

If you call this function after setting up the Client, we will store an event to disk in case your application receives Memory Pressure Notification. This function installs a listener so you only need to call it once. On the next app start or successful sent of an event, we will send this event to the server.


Change event before sending it

With version 1.3.0 we added the possibility to change an event before it will be sent to the server. You have to set the block somewhere in your code.

Client.shared?.beforeSerializeEvent = { event in
    event.extra = ["b": "c"]

This block is meant to be used for stripping sensitive data or add additional data for every event.

Change request before sending it

You can change the NSURLRequest before it will be send. This is helpful e.g.: for adding additional headers to the request.

Client.shared?.beforeSendRequest = { request in
    request.addValue("my-token", forHTTPHeaderField: "Authorization")

Adding stack trace to message

You can also add a stack trace to your event by using the snapshotStacktrace callback and calling appendStacktrace and pass the event.

snapshotStacktrace captures the stack trace at the location where it’s called. After that you have to append the stack trace to the event you want to send with appendStacktrace. So for example if you want to send a simple message to the server and add the stack trace to it you have to do this.

Client.shared?.snapshotStacktrace {
    let event = Event(level: .debug)
    event.message = "Test Message"
    Client.shared?.appendStacktrace(to: event)
    Client.shared?.send(event: event)

Determining whether to send events

If you want to filter certain events, you can use shouldSendEvent which takes the event, returns a boolean, and decides whether or not to send the event.

Client.shared?.shouldSendEvent = { (event) in
            if (event.environment == "staging") {
                return false
            return true

Here's an example in Objective C too:

client.shouldSendEvent = ^BOOL(SentryEvent *_Nonnull event) {
    return (sampleRate >= ((double)arc4random() / 0x100000000));

Event Sampling

If you are sending too many events and want to not send all events you can set the sampleRate parameter. It’s a number between 0 and 1 where when you set it to 1, all events will be sent. Notice that shouldSendEvent will set for this.

Client.shared?.sampleRate = 0.75 // 75% of all events will be sent