Uploading Debug Symbols

A dSYM upload is required for Sentry to symbolicate your crash logs for viewing. The symbolication process unscrambles Apple’s crash logs to reveal the function, variables, file names, and line numbers of the crash. The dSYM file can be uploaded through the sentry-cli tool or through a Fastlane action.

With Bitcode

If Bitcode is enabled in your project, you will have to upload the dSYM to Sentry after it has finished processing in the iTunesConnect. We also recommend using the latest Xcode version for submitting your build. The dSYM can be downloaded in three ways.

Use Fastlane

Use the Fastlane’s action, download_dsyms, to download the dSYMs from iTunesConnect and upload to Sentry. The dSYM won’t be generated until after the app is done processing on iTunesConnect so this should be run in its own lane.

lane :upload_symbols do
    auth_token: '...',
    org_slug: '...',
    project_slug: '...',

If you have a legacy API key instead you can supply it with api_key instead of auth_token.

Use sentry-cli

There are two ways to download the dSYM from iTunesConnect. After you do one of the two following ways, you can upload the dSYM using sentry-cli.

  1. Open Xcode Organizer, go to your app, and click “Download dSYMs...”
  2. Login to iTunes Connect, go to your app, go to “Activity, click the build number to go into the detail page, and click “Download dSYM”

Afterwards manually upload the symbols with sentry-cli:

sentry-cli --auth-token YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN upload-dif --org YOUR_ORG_SLUG --project YOUR_PROJECT_SLUG PATH_TO_DSYMS

Without Bitcode

When not using bitcode you can directly upload the symbols to Sentry as part of a build.

Use Fastlane

If you are already using Fastlane you can use it in this situation as well. If you are not, you might prefer the sentry-cli integerated into Xcode.

lane :build do
    auth_token: '...',
    org_slug: '...',
    project_slug: '...',

If you have a legacy API key instead you can supply it with api_key instead of auth_token.

Upload Symbols with sentry-cli

Your project’s dSYM can be upload during the build phase as a “Run Script”. For this you need to st the DEBUG_INFORMATION_FORMAT to be DWARF with dSYM File. By default, an Xcode project will only have DEBUG_INFORMATION_FORMAT set to DWARF with dSYM File in Release so make sure everything is set in your build settings properly.

You need to have an Auth Token for this to work. You can create an Auth Token here.

  1. Download and install sentry-cli — The best place to put this is in the /usr/local/bin/ directory
  2. You will need to copy the script below into a new Run Script and set your AUTH_TOKEN, ORG_SLUG, and PROJECT_SLUG
if which sentry-cli >/dev/null; then
export SENTRY_ORG=example-org
export SENTRY_PROJECT=example-project
ERROR=$(sentry-cli upload-dif "$DWARF_DSYM_FOLDER_PATH" 2>&1 >/dev/null)
if [ ! $? -eq 0 ]; then
echo "warning: sentry-cli - $ERROR"
echo "warning: sentry-cli not installed, download from https://github.com/getsentry/sentry-cli/releases"
  1. If you are using Xcode 10 or newer, you also need to add the following line to the Input Files section in the Run Script from step 2:

Manually with sentry-cli

Your dSYM file can be upload manually by you (or some automated process) with the sentry-cli tool. You will need to know the following information:

  • API Key
  • Organization slug
  • Project slug
  • Path to the build’s dSYM

Download and install sentry-cli — The best place to put this is in the /usr/local/bin/ directory.

Then run this (note that --auth-token needs to go before upload-dif):

sentry-cli --auth-token YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN upload-dif --org YOUR_ORG_SLUG --project YOUR_PROJECT_SLUG PATH_TO_DSYMS