Additional Configuration
This SDK has been superseded by the new React Native SDK. Sentry preserves this documentation for customers using the old client. We recommend using the updated React Native SDK for new projects.
These are functions you can call in your JavaScript code:
import { Sentry, SentrySeverity, SentryLog } from "react-native-sentry";
// disable stack trace merging
Sentry.config("", {
deactivateStacktraceMerging: false, // default: true | Deactivates the stack trace merging feature
logLevel: SentryLog.Debug, // default SentryLog.None | Possible values: .None, .Error, .Debug, .Verbose
disableNativeIntegration: false, // default: false | Deactivates the native integration and only uses raven-js
handlePromiseRejection: true, // default: true | Handle unhandled promise rejections
// sampleRate: 0.5 // default: 1.0 | Only set this if you don't want to send every event so e.g.: 0.5 will send 50% of all events
// These two options will only be considered if stack trace merging is active
// Here you can add modules that should be ignored or exclude modules
// that should no longer be ignored from stack trace merging
// ignoreModulesExclude: ["I18nManager"], // default: [] | Exclude is always stronger than include
// ignoreModulesInclude: ["RNSentry"], // default: [] | Include modules that should be ignored too
// ---------------------------------
// set a callback after an event was successfully sent
// its only guaranteed that this event contains `event_id` & `level`
Sentry.setEventSentSuccessfully(event => {
// can also be called outside this block but maybe null
// Sentry.lastEventId(); -> returns the last event_id after the first successfully sent event
// Sentry.lastException(); -> returns the last event after the first successfully sent event
Sentry.setShouldSendCallback(event => {
return true; // if return false, event will not be sent
// Sentry.lastException(); // Will return the last sent error event
// Sentry.lastEventId(); // Will return the last event id
// export an extra context
a_thing: 3,
some_things: { green: "red" },
foobar: ["a", "b", "c"],
react: true,
float: 2.43,
// set the tag context
environment: "production",
react: true,
// set the user context
email: "",
userID: "12341",
username: "username",
extra: {
is_admin: false,
// set a custom message
Sentry.captureMessage("TEST message", {
level: SentrySeverity.Warning,
}); // Default SentrySeverity.Error
// capture an exception
Sentry.captureException(new Error("Oops!"), {
logger: "my.module",
// capture a breadcrumb
message: "Item added to shopping cart",
category: "action",
data: {
isbn: "978-1617290541",
cartSize: "3",
// This will trigger a crash in the native sentry client