Using Sentry with Expo

Expo is an excellent way to quickly create and play around with your React Native app. Now you can also use Sentry together with Expo:

npm i sentry-expo --save

In your main.js or app.js:

import Sentry from "sentry-expo";
// import { SentrySeverity, SentryLog } from 'react-native-sentry';

Make sure to use your public DSN instead of the private one.

For uploading source maps you have to add this to your exp.json or app.json

  // ... your existing exp.json configuration is here

  "hooks": {
    "postPublish": [
        "file": "sentry-expo/upload-sourcemaps",
        "config": {
          "organization": "your team short name here",
          "project": "your project short name here",
          "authToken": "your auth token here"
  // ...

Note that sentry-expo only catches JavaScript exceptions (as opposed to native crashes). For more details, take a look at the Expo documentation about native errors and this discussion in the sentry-expo repo.

If you need more help, check out Expo’s documentation about using Sentry.