Out Of Memory
This integration tracks out-of-memory (OOM) crashes based on heuristics. This feature is available for iOS, tvOS, and Mac Catalyst and works only if the application was in the foreground.
When your application uses too much RAM, the operating system kills your app without a normal termination process. Your process doesn't receive a signal or any other type of information to ensure an OOM occurs. As a result, in the Apple SDK, we track out-of-memory crashes during the app start based on heuristics. When a user launches the app, the SDK checks the following statements and reports an OOM if all of them are true:
- The app didn't crash on the previous run.
- The app was in the foreground/active.
- The user launched the app at least once. When your app produces an OOM during the first launch, the SDK can't detect it.
- There was no debugger attached to the process of the app. If there was, our logic would falsely report OOMs whenever you restarted the app in development.
- The OS did not update your app.
- The user didn't update the OS of their device.
- The user didn't terminate the app manually, and neither did the OS.
If you're interested in the implementation details, you can check out the code to find out more.
If you'd like to opt out of this feature, you can do so using options:
import Sentry
SentrySDK.start { options in
options.dsn = "https://examplePublicKey@o0.ingest.sentry.io/0"
options.enableOutOfMemoryTracking = false
- Package:
- cocoapods:sentry-cocoa
- Version:
- 8.43.0
- Repository:
- https://github.com/getsentry/sentry-cocoa