Basic Options

Configuration is handled using the standard Elixir configuration.

Simply add configuration to the :sentry key in the file config/prod.exs:

config :sentry,
  dsn: ""

Setup with Plug or Phoenix

If using an environment with Plug or Phoenix, add the following to your Plug.Router or Phoenix.Router:

use Plug.ErrorHandler
use Sentry.Plug

Capture Crashed Process Exceptions

This library comes with an extension to capture all error messages that the Plug handler might not. This is based on Logger.Backend.

To set this up, add the Sentry backend to your Logger configuration. Example:

# config/config.exs

config :logger,
  backends: [:console, Sentry.LoggerBackend]

The backend can also be configured to capture Logger metadata, which is detailed here.

Required settings

The name of the environment, this defaults to the :dev environment variable.

The DSN provided by Sentry.

This is only required if enable_source_code_context is enabled. Should generally be set to File.cwd!.

Optional settings

The list of environments you want to send reports to sentry, this defaults to [:prod].

The default tags to send with each report.

The release to send to sentry with each report. This defaults to nothing.

The name of the server to send with each report. This defaults to nothing.

If you need different functionality for the HTTP client, you can define your own module that implements the Sentry.HTTPClient behaviour and set client to that module. Defaults to Sentry.HackneyClient.

Set this to a module that implements the Sentry.EventFilter behaviour if you would like to prevent certain exceptions from being sent. See below for further documentation. Defaults to excluding exceptions from Sentry.PlugCapture that match route not found exceptions from Phoenix and Plug.

Number of connections for Sentry's hackney pool. This defaults to 50.

Timeout for Sentry's hackney pool. This defaults to 5000 milliseconds.

Sentry starts its own hackney pool named :sentry_pool, and defaults to using it. Hackney's pool configuration as well others like proxy or response timeout can be set through this configuration as it is passed directly to hackney when making a request.

This option allows performing operations on the event before it is sent by Sentry.Client. Accepts an anonymous function or a {module, function} tuple, and the event will be passed as the only argument. The function must return the modified event (or nil or false to prevent the event from being sent).

This option allows performing arbitrary operations after attempting to send an event. Accepts an anonymous function or a {module, function} tuple, and the event will be passed as the first argument, and the result of sending the event will be passed as the second argument.

The sampling factor to apply to events. A value of 0.0 will deny sending any events, and a value of 1.0 will send 100% of events.

Expects a list of modules that is used to distinguish among stack trace frames that belong to your app and ones that are part of libraries or core Elixir. This is used to better display the significant part of stack traces. The logic is greedy, so if your app's root module is MyApp and your setting is [MyApp], that module as well as any submodules like MyApp.Submodule would be considered part of your app. Defaults to [].

Will attempt to load Mix dependencies at runtime to report alongside events. Defaults to true.

When true, Sentry will read and store source code files to report the source code that caused an exception.

The number of lines of source code before and after the line that caused the exception to be included. Defaults to 3.

A list of Regex expressions used to exclude file paths that should not be stored or referenced when reporting exceptions. Defaults to [~r"/_build/", ~r"/deps/", ~r"/priv/"].

A glob that is expanded to select files from the :root_source_code_path. Defaults to "**/*.ex".

The JSON library used to encode HTTP requests. Defaults to Jason.

log_level : This sets the log level used when Sentry fails to send an event due to an invalid event or API error. Defaults to :warn.

Testing Your Configuration

To ensure you've set up your configuration correctly, we recommend running the included mix task. It can be tested on different Mix environments and will tell you if it is not currently configured to send events in that environment:

MIX_ENV=dev mix sentry.send_test_event
Client configuration:
public_key: public
secret_key: secret
included_environments: [:prod, :staging]
current environment_name: :dev

:dev is not in [:prod, :staging] so no test event will be sent

MIX_ENV=prod mix sentry.send_test_event
Client configuration:
public_key: public
secret_key: secret
included_environments: [:prod]
current environment_name: :prod

Sending test event!