This page shows how to use the Martini framework with Sentry.
For a quick reference, there is a complete example at the Go SDK source code repository.
GoDoc-style API documentation is also available.
go get
import (
sentrymartini ""
// To initialize Sentry's handler, you need to initialize Sentry itself beforehand
if err := sentry.Init(sentry.ClientOptions{
Dsn: "",
}); err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Sentry initialization failed: %v\n", err)
// Then create your app
app := martini.Classic()
// Once it's done, you can attach the handler as one of your middleware
// Set up routes
app.Get("/", func() string {
return "Hello world!"
// And run it
accepts a struct of Options
that allows you to configure how the handler will behave.
Currently it respects 3 options:
// Whether Sentry should repanic after recovery, in most cases it should be set to true,
// as martini.Classic includes its own Recovery middleware that handles http responses.
Repanic bool
// Whether you want to block the request before moving forward with the response.
// Because Martini's default `Recovery` handler doesn't restart the application,
// it's safe to either skip this option or set it to `false`.
WaitForDelivery bool
// Timeout for the event delivery requests.
Timeout time.Duration
maps an instance of *sentry.Hub
( as one of the services available throughout the rest of the request's lifetime.
You can access it by providing a hub *sentry.Hub
parameter in any of your proceeding middleware and routes.
And it should be used instead of the global sentry.CaptureMessage
, sentry.CaptureException
, or any other calls, as it keeps the separation of data between the requests.
Keep in mind that *sentry.Hub
won't be available in middleware attached before sentrymartini
app := martini.Classic()
Repanic: true,
app.Use(func(rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, c martini.Context, hub *sentry.Hub) {
hub.Scope().SetTag("someRandomTag", "maybeYouNeedIt")
app.Get("/", func(rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, hub *sentry.Hub) {
if someCondition {
hub.WithScope(func (scope *sentry.Scope) {
scope.SetExtra("unwantedQuery", rw.URL.RawQuery)
hub.CaptureMessage("User provided unwanted query string, but we recovered just fine")
app.Get("/foo", func() string {
// sentrymartini handler will catch it just fine. Also, because we attached "someRandomTag"
// in the middleware before, it will be sent through as well
panic("y tho")
Accessing Request in BeforeSend
Dsn: "",
BeforeSend: func(event *sentry.Event, hint *sentry.EventHint) *sentry.Event {
if hint.Context != nil {
if req, ok := hint.Context.Value(sentry.RequestContextKey).(*http.Request); ok {
// You have access to the original Request here
return event
- Package:
- github:getsentry/sentry-go
- Version:
- 0.31.1
- Repository: