Basic Options
SDKs are configurable using a variety of options. The options are largely standardized among SDKs, but there are some differences to better accommodate platform peculiarities. Options are set when the SDK is first initialized.
Options are passed to the Init()
method as an instance of sentry.ClientOptions
Dsn: "",
Debug: true,
// Release: "my-project-name@1.0.0",
// ClientOptions that configures a SDK Client
type ClientOptions struct {
// The DSN to use. If the DSN is not set, the client is effectively disabled.
Dsn string
// In debug mode, the debug information is printed to stdout to help you understand what
// sentry is doing.
Debug bool
// Configures whether SDK should generate and attach stacktraces to pure capture message calls.
AttachStacktrace bool
// The sample rate for event submission (0.0 - 1.0, defaults to 1.0)
SampleRate float64
// List of regexp strings that will be used to match against event's message
// and if applicable, caught errors type and value.
// If the match is found, then a whole event will be dropped.
IgnoreErrors []string
// Before send callback.
BeforeSend func(event *Event, hint *EventHint) *Event
// Before breadcrumb add callback.
BeforeBreadcrumb func(breadcrumb *Breadcrumb, hint *BreadcrumbHint) *Breadcrumb
// Integrations to be installed on the current Client, receives default integrations
Integrations func([]Integration) []Integration
// io.Writer implementation that should be used with the `Debug` mode
DebugWriter io.Writer
// The transport to use.
// This is an instance of a struct implementing `Transport` interface.
// Defaults to `httpTransport` from `transport.go`
Transport Transport
// The server name to be reported.
ServerName string
// The release to be sent with events.
Release string
// The dist to be sent with events.
Dist string
// The environment to be sent with events.
Environment string
// Maximum number of breadcrumbs.
MaxBreadcrumbs int
// An optional pointer to `http.Client` that will be used with a default HTTPTransport.
// Using your own client will make HTTPTransport, HTTPProxy, HTTPSProxy and CaCerts options ignored.
HTTPClient *http.Client
// An optional pointer to `http.Transport` that will be used with a default HTTPTransport.
// Using your own transport will make HTTPProxy, HTTPSProxy and CaCerts options ignored.
HTTPTransport *http.Transport
// An optional HTTP proxy to use.
// This will default to the `http_proxy` environment variable.
// or `https_proxy` if that one exists.
HTTPProxy string
// An optional HTTPS proxy to use.
// This will default to the `HTTPS_PROXY` environment variable
// or `http_proxy` if that one exists.
HTTPSProxy string
// An optional CaCerts to use.
// Defaults to `gocertifi.CACerts()`.
CaCerts *x509.CertPool
Providing SSL Certificates
By default, TLS uses the host's root CA set. If you don't have ca-certificates
(which should be your go-to way of fixing the issue of the missing certificates) and want to use gocertifi
instead, you can provide pre-loaded cert files as one of the options to the sentry.Init
package main
import (
sentryClientOptions := sentry.ClientOptions{
Dsn: "",
rootCAs, err := gocertifi.CACerts()
if err != nil {
log.Println("Could not load CA Certificates: %v\n", err)
} else {
sentryClientOptions.CaCerts = rootCAs
Removing Default Integrations
SDK has few built-in integrations that enhance events with additional information, or manage them in one way or another.
If you want to read more about them, see the source code directly.
However, there are some cases where you may want to disable some of them. To do this, you can use the Integrations
configuration option and filter unwanted integrations. For example:
Integrations: func(integrations []sentry.Integration) []sentry.Integration {
var filteredIntegrations []sentry.Integration
for _, integration := range integrations {
if integration.Name() == "ContextifyFrames" {
filteredIntegrations = append(filteredIntegrations, integration)
return filteredIntegrations
- Package:
- github:getsentry/sentry-go
- Version:
- 0.31.1
- Repository: