Spring Boot

On this page, we get you up and running with Sentry's SDK, so that it will automatically report errors and exceptions in your application.

Don't already have an account and Sentry project established? Head over to sentry.io, then return to this page.


Sentry captures data by using an SDK within your application’s runtime.



Configuration should happen as early as possible in your application's lifecycle.

Sentry's Spring Boot integration auto-configures sentry.in-app-packages property with the package where @SpringBootApplication or @SpringBootConfiguration annotated class is located.

Provide a sentry.dsn property using either application.properties or application.yml:


By default, only unhandled exceptions are sent to Sentry. This behavior can be tuned through configuring the sentry.exception-resolver-order property. For example, setting it to -2147483647 (the value of org.springframework.core.Ordered#HIGHEST_PRECEDENCE) ensures exceptions that have been handled by exception resolvers with higher order are sent to Sentry - including ones handled by @ExceptionHandler annotated methods.


We recommend using Sentry's Spring Boot integration with one of the logging framework integrations as they work together seamlessly. To use Sentry without Spring Boot, we recommend using the Sentry Spring integration.

Once this integration is configured you can also use Sentry’s static API, as shown on the usage page, to record breadcrumbs, set the current user, or manually send events, for example.


This snippet includes an intentional error, so you can test that everything is working as soon as you set it up:

import io.sentry.Sentry;

try {
  throw new Exception("This is a test.");
} catch (Exception e) {

To view and resolve the recorded error, log into sentry.io and open your project. Clicking on the error's title will open a page where you can see detailed information and mark it as resolved.