Advanced Usage

Sentry's Spring Boot integration automatically includes the release and sets options as described in the following sections.

Using Git Commit ID As The Release

When Spring Boot is configured to generate Git information every event triggered by Sentry will have a release field set to the current Git commit ID that will enable Monitor Release Health Sentry feature.

This feature can be disabled in file:

Registering Custom Event Processor

Any Spring bean implementing EventProcessor will be automatically set on SentryOptions during Sentry SDK auto-configuration. There can be multiple event processors registered in single application.

import io.sentry.SentryEvent;
import io.sentry.EventProcessor;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;

public class CustomEventProcessor implements EventProcessor {
  public SentryEvent process(SentryEvent event, Object hint) {
    // modify the event or return null to drop it
    return event;

Registering Custom Before Send Callback

Any Spring bean implementing the BeforeSendCallback will be automatically set on SentryOptions during the SDK's auto-configuration. Note that there can be only a single bean set this way.

import io.sentry.SentryEvent;
import io.sentry.SentryOptions;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;

public class CustomBeforeSendCallback implements SentryOptions.BeforeSendCallback {
  public SentryEvent execute(SentryEvent event, Object hint) {
    // Example: Never send server name in events
    return event;

Registering Custom Before Breadcrumb Callback

Any Spring bean implementing the BeforeBreadcrumbCallback will be automatically set on SentryOptions during the SDK's auto-configuration. Note that there can be only a single bean set this way.

import io.sentry.Breadcrumb;
import io.sentry.SentryOptions;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;

public class CustomBeforeBreadcrumbCallback implements SentryOptions.BeforeBreadcrumbCallback {

  public Breadcrumb execute(Breadcrumb breadcrumb, Object hint) {
    // Don't add breadcrumbs with message containing:
    if (breadcrumb.getMessage() != null
      && breadcrumb.getMessage().contains("bad breadcrumb")) {
      return null;
    return breadcrumb;