React Profiler

@sentry/react exports a withProfiler higher-order component that attaches React related spans to the current active transaction on the scope.

In the example below, the withProfiler higher-order component is used to instrument an App component.

import React from "react";
import * as Sentry from "@sentry/react";

class App extends React.Component {
  render() {
    return (
        <NestedComponent someProp={2} />
        <AnotherComponent />

export default Sentry.withProfiler(App);

The React Profiler currently generates spans with three different kinds of op-codes: ui.react.mount, ui.react.render, and ui.react.update.

The span that represents how long it took for the profiled component to mount.

The span that represents how long the profiled component was on a page. This span is only generated if the profiled component mounts and unmounts while a transaction is occurring.

The span that represents when the profiled component updated. This span is only generated if the profiled component has mounted.

Profiler Options

The withProfiler higher-order component has a variety of options for further customization. They can be passed in as the second argument to the withProfiler function.

export default Sentry.withProfiler(App, { name: "CustomAppName" });

name (string)
The name of the component being profiled. By default, the name is taken from the component displayName property or the component name property.

includeRender (boolean)
If a react.render span should be created by the Profiler. Set as true by default.

includeUpdates (boolean)
If react.update spans should be created by the Profiler. Set as true by default. We recommend setting this prop as false for components that will experience many rerenders, such as text input components, as the resulting spans can be very noisy.

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