Identify Users

Users consist of a few critical pieces of information that construct a unique identity in Sentry. Each of these is optional, but one must be present for the Sentry SDK to capture the user:

Your internal identifier for the user.

The username. Typically used as a better label than the internal id.

An alternative, or addition, to the username. Sentry is aware of email addresses and can display things such as Gravatars and unlock messaging capabilities.

The user's IP address. If the user is unauthenticated, Sentry uses the IP address as a unique identifier for the user. Sentry will attempt to pull this from the HTTP request data, if available. That might require sendDefaultPii set to true in the SDK options. If set to "{{auto}}", Sentry will infer the IP address from the connection between your app and Sentry's server, which is useful for client-side applications such as JavaScript applications running on Web browsers, desktop applications, or mobile apps.

Additionally, you can provide arbitrary key/value pairs beyond the reserved names, and the Sentry SDK will store those with the user.

You'll first need to import the SDK, as usual:

import * as Sentry from "@sentry/vue";

To identify the user:

Sentry.setUser({ email: "" });

You can also clear the currently set user:

Sentry.configureScope(scope => scope.setUser(null));