
In addition to the configuration available in the PHP SDK, there are some Symfony-specific options.

All configuration for Symfony is done in config/packages/sentry.yaml.

N.B. The register_error_listener configuration option is available since sentry/sentry-symfony:^3.2.0.

    dsn: ""
    register_error_listener: true
        attach_stacktrace: true
        before_breadcrumb: "@sentry.callback.before_breadcrumb"
        before_send: "@sentry.callback.before_send"
        capture_silenced_errors: false
        context_lines: 5
        default_integrations: true
        enable_compression: true
        environment: "%kernel.environment%"
        error_types: "E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE"
        http_proxy: ""
            - "%kernel.cache_dir%"
            - "%kernel.project_dir%/vendor"
            - "@sentry.integration.my_custom_integration"
        logger: "php"
        max_breadcrumbs: 50
        max_value_length: 2048
            - "/local_dir/"
        project_root: "%kernel.project_dir%"
        release: "abcde12345"
        sample_rate: 1
        send_attempts: 3
        send_default_pii: true
        server_name: ""
            tag1: "value1"
            tag2: "value2"
        request: 1
        subrequest: 1
        console: 1

The DSN option is the only required option: it sets the Sentry DSN, and so reports all events to the related project. If it's left empty, it disables Sentry reporting. Because Sentry enables the bundle in all environments, it's recommended to disable it in the test and dev environments.

All the possible configurations under the options key map directly to the correspondent options from the base SDK; you can read more about those in the general configuration docs, and on the PHP specific SDK docs.

Below you can find additional documentation that is specific to the bundle usage, or information about the sensible default values that you can use in some cases.

before_breadcrumb and before_send

The before_breadcrumb and before_send options both accept a callable; thus, you cannot provide it directly through a YAML file; the bundle accepts a service reference (starting with @), which you can build in your DIC container.


The environment option defaults to the same environment of your Symfony application (For example,dev, test, prod...).


The in_app_exclude option is used to mark files as non belonging to your app's source code in events' stack traces. In this bundle it has two default values:

  • %kernel.cache_dir%, to exclude Symfony's cache dir
  • %kernel.project_dir%/vendor, to exclude Composer's dependencies


The project_root options defaults to %kernel.project_dir%.


The listener_priorities options are used to change the priority at which the bundle's listener is called. They all default to 1, so they are called just before the default priority of 0, at which you can easily add your custom listeners.