AWS Lambda

(New in version 0.3.5)

Create a deployment package on your local machine and install the required dependencies in the deployment package. For more information, see AWS Lambda deployment package in Python.

Install our Python SDK using pip:

pip install --upgrade sentry-sdk

We also support installing Sentry as a Container Image and installing Sentry in Lambda Layer.

You can use the AWS Lambda integration for the Python SDK like this:

import sentry_sdk
from sentry_sdk.integrations.aws_lambda import AwsLambdaIntegration

    traces_sample_rate=1.0, # adjust the sample rate in production as needed

def my_function(event, context):
    # ...

Check out Sentry's AWS sample apps for detailed examples.

Timeout Warning

(New in version 0.16.3)

The timeout warning reports an issue when the function execution time is near the configured timeout.

To enable the warning, update the SDK initialization to set timeout_warning to true:


The timeout warning is sent only if the timeout in the Lambda Function configuration is set to a value greater than one second.


With the AWS Lambda integration enabled, the Python SDK will:

  • Automatically report all events from your Lambda Functions.

  • You can modify the transaction sample rate using traces_sample_rate.

  • Event reports automatically include:

    • A link to CloudWatch Logs
    • Function details
    • sys.argv for the function
    • AWS Request ID
    • Function execution time
    • Function version
    • You can add more data as described here
  • Request data is attached to all events: HTTP method, URL, headers, form data, JSON payloads. Sentry excludes raw bodies and multipart file uploads. Sentry also excludes personally identifiable information (such as user ids, usernames, cookies, authorization headers, IP addresses) unless you set send_default_pii to True.

  • Each request has a separate scope. Changes to the scope within a view, for example setting a tag, will only apply to events sent as part of the request being handled.