Apache Beam

(New in version 0.11.0)

The Beam integration currently parses the functions in ParDo to return exceptions in their respective setup, start_bundle, process, and finish_bundle functions.

This integration is experimental. It may be removed in minor versions. When enabling this integration, expect to see incorrect server_name and ip due to some distributed properties within Beam.

A Beam version of 2.12 or later is required.

Add BeamIntegration() to your integrations list:

import sentry_sdk
from sentry_sdk.integrations.beam import BeamIntegration

sentry_sdk.init("https://examplePublicKey@o0.ingest.sentry.io/0", integrations=[BeamIntegration()])


  • The functions get injected with an inspect function to patch getting the function signature.

  • The integration requires sentry to be installed on all the worker computers using a --requirements_file.

  • The main computer invoking the pipeline requires the same version of sentry as the worker nodes.