
If you need help managing transactions, you can read more here. If you need additional help, please view our forums. Customers on a paid plan may also contact support.

Group Transactions

When Sentry captures transactions, they are assigned a transaction name. This name is generally auto-generated by the Sentry SDK based on the framework integrations you are using. If you can't leverage the automatic transaction generation (or want to customize how transaction names are generated) you can use a global event processor that is registered when you initialize the SDK with your configuration.

For example:

import { addGlobalEventProcessor } from "@sentry/react-native";

addGlobalEventProcessor(event => {
  if (event.type === "transaction") {
    event.transaction = sanitizeTransactionName(event.transaction);
  return event;

Control Data Truncation

Currently, every tag has a maximum character limit of 200 characters. Tags over the 200 character limit will become truncated, losing potentially important information. To retain this data, you can split data over several tags instead.

For example, a 200+ character tagged request:

The 200+ character request above will become truncated to:

Instead, using span.set_tag and span.set_data preserves the details of this query using structured metadata. This could be done over baseUrl, endpoint, and parameters:

const baseUrl = "";
const endpoint = "/api/0/projects/ep/setup_form";
const parameters = {
  user_id: 314159265358979323846264338327,
  tracking_id: "EasyAsABC123OrSimpleAsDoReMi",
  product_name: PlantToHumanTranslator,
  product_id: 161803398874989484820458683436563811772030917980576,

const span = transaction.startChild({
  op: "http.client",
  description: "setup form",

span.setTag("baseUrl", baseUrl);
span.setTag("endpoint", endpoint);
span.setData("parameters", parameters);
// you may also find some parameters to be valuable as tags
span.setData("user_id", parameters.user_id);
http.get(`${base_url}/${endpoint}/`, (data = parameters));