Source Maps

To get unminified stack traces for JavaScript code, source maps must be generated and uploaded. The React Native SDK handles source maps automatically for iOS with Xcode and Android with Gradle, if you do not use custom values.

Using custom Release and Distribution

However, if you use custom values for your release other than the version included with the build in Xcode or Android Studio, the automatic source maps upload script will no longer work because it does not detect custom values. As a result, you'll need to manually upload source maps using these steps:

1. Set the Release and Distribution

For events sent from Sentry to correctly be attributed to a release and subsequently its source maps, both the release and dist values will need to be set. You can set these values in the call to init, as discussed in our Releases & Health content.

export SENTRY_RELEASE="my-project-name@2.3.12"
export SENTRY_DIST="52"

If you've exported the environment variables and they match the given release and dist during the Sentry.init call, you can skip the next steps.

2. Disable the automatic source maps upload script

When you set a custom release or manually upload source maps, you will need to disable the automatic source map upload script:

Preparing Source Maps for a Release

You need to generate and upload the source maps at build time for every release of your app for the events sent to be correctly unminified. To do so, follow these steps:

1. Configure CLI

Configure the CLI by reviewing the configuration guide for CLI commands.

2. Generate the bundle and source maps

You can use the React Native CLI to generate the JavaScript bundle and source maps for your app:

react-native bundle \
  --dev false \
  --platform android \
  --entry-file \
  --bundle-output \

Learn more about the React Native CLI bundle command.

2.1 Pass your entry file

Pass your entry file to --entry-file for Android or iOS, respectively. By default, this file is usually named index.js. It is often named for Android or index.ios.js for iOS.

2.2 Output your bundle files and source maps

These files will output your bundle and source maps. By default, these files are named and for Android and main.jsbundle and for iOS.

3. Upload the bundle and source maps

node_modules/@sentry/cli/bin/sentry-cli releases \
    files <release> \
    upload-sourcemaps \
    --dist <dist> \
    --strip-prefix /path/to/project/root \


If source maps are still not recognized, check for warnings similar to:

Missing sources warning

The bundle filename needs to match the filename on the event (and shown on the warning) to correctly apply the source maps.

Find more troubleshooting cases in our Troubleshooting documentation.